It started with curiosity watching the life cycle of a Monarch butterfly with my young pre schoolers, the spark inside me ignited and my passion grew organically. I enjoyed taking photos of nature, whilst fully in the moment. I loved all the colourful flowers in my garden, also wildlife which were easy to capture on camera. I then shared my information along with the photos. This quickly grew into my amazing book and interactive school talks around New Zealand, its been an amazing journey, but feel this is only just beginning.

One of the best parts of my job is that I get to be creative and hands-on in nature in my garden. I love receiving downloads of creativity and inspiration then rolling with it. It’s not every day you can call on a friend to cover you in orange body paint and monarch butterflies clips and have a fun photoshoot.

I feel blessed to be able to work in sync with the seasons resting in winter whilst gaining growth and wisdom to share in the spring, summer months with others. With each year I gain more confidence and flare.

I get to dress up as a Butterfly Goddess, totally be in my feminine energy. I choose when I work and where. Spreading magic and my knowledge along the way.  There’s no script in my talks, I just arrive and trust what comes out is what is needed to be heard.

In life, we get to write our own book, each chapter changing, new chapters starting and ending. We get to re-write or our story and change. To have transformed you have to change from the inside out, it’s a lengthy process, I worked hard through my past traumas and wounds, which had stopped me from becoming who I am today. I continue to release the many layers that are not needed or outdated. Those that clipped my wings held me from expanding further. I love investing in my personal growth to become the best possible version of myself, there’s always room for more expansion and for more magic to happen.  It’s fun smashing through my self-doubt that I no longer believe in.  I have a voice, and it needs to be heard, and people love listening to me speak and thank me afterward. Some people ask me who I work for, and I say I work for the Monarch butterflies, I am a voice for them and here to protect Mother Earth to bring it back into balance and LOVE.

I honor my journey and the people who have helped me along my path, the people who lift me higher, have my back, and support me. Those who continue to light my flame, which is pure loving support, I am so grateful. I will continue to shine and radiate back the inspiration. I will keep on saying yes when I’m feeling scared or not ready….because are we ever really fully ready?  I also thank the people that have crossed my path, that has used me, betrayed me, put me down, hurt me, or given me a dis-service, I only send you to love back.  Thank you, this is reminded me of whom I do not want to be.

Transformation is constant for me, ever-evolving and shedding layers and reminding people that life is here to be joyful and not stagnant. Grounding my energy into the earth is important. My desire to teach the younger generation and to give them an opportunity to hold onto magic for as long as they can before society changes their view of this world. Bringing magic into people’s lives is a gift, sometimes it can feel like a challenge as I don’t feel like I fit the mould everyone else is trying to fit into. I’m not supposed to, I am a guiding light for others to let go of that idea also. I love moving forward with new creations!

I dare you to follow what lights you up, you just never know where it will take you. I can only imagine it will be more than you can ever have thought. The risks, joys, and expansion in your learning will all pay off for you immensely. Commit to your future, a wiser outcome is assured. Align and surrender to it. Let your magical metamorphosis begin!

Maria Monarch X

Have you got your copy of my book? Want to know more about taking care of vital pollinators and would like to purchase my book that has all you need to know about creating a beautiful butterfly garden and raising healthy monarch butterflies. Click below and purchase my excellent, colourful A4 resource book.

An Educational Guide on Monarch Butterflies

Overseas residents

Make Up and Photography from the wonderful

One thought on “Be curious…… be YOU

  1. Thanks Maria for this amazing words. I think we all need a reminder that we have our own magic and the way you put it out is really motivating . Arohanui.

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